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tv   Full Court Press  Current  June 11, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> what do you say? hello, everybody. it's monday morning. hope you had a great weekend really to road into another big week here on the full-court press. welcome welcome. thank you for joining us on this monday june 11th, the full court press on current tv, of course, and over the weekend, republicans launched yet another war. right. they've already declared war on women, war on students and war on gays and lesbian s now they
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have declared war on public employees. mitt romney saying over the weekend, in effect, that we ought to just fire all police officers firefighters, and teachers. yeah. hope he never needs help at his house. we will talk about that and a lot more here on today's full-court press. but first, we take a break, get all of the morning headlines with the current news update from jacki schechner out in los angeles. hi, jacki. good morning. >> good morning, bill. you should say help at his houses plural. so president obama is reaching out to eight local t.v. stations today as part of live from the white house. he will conduct interviews with anchors in mostly republican-leaning parts of swing states. he plans to talk about the administration's efforts to help rural america. one official with bloomberg news says that the president is going to announce a $2 billion effort through 20s 16 for rural businesses and then the white house, rural council together with the department of agriculture and council of economic advisors will release a
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report on rural america. the pro-obama super p.a.c. is teaming up for a $4 million ad buy, their first spanish t.v. idea. >> focus on the poor. it's not my focus. >> it uses romney's own words to points him as out of touch including a sound byte where he says he, too, is unemployed. it hits on his corporate record. this particular ad begins running in florida. there will be versions running in colorado and nevada. an interesting story from the "l.a. times," john byson is hospitalized after a series of hit and run accidents. he was found alone and unconscious in his car east of los angeles. "the l.a. times" says byson was driving early saturday evening when he hit two cars in three separate incidence. officials say drugs and alcohol do not appear to be a factor.
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you can join us live during the chart chat during the show just go to we will see you there. you've heard bill's views, now let's hear yours. politically direct means no b.s. just telling you what's going on in politics today. >>at the only on-line forum with a direct line to bill press. >>it's something i've been waiting for a long time. >>join the debate now.
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>>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war." [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> hey. back from chicago, and ready to tackle the big stories of the day with all of you. good morning, everybody. great to see you. happy monday. how about it? it is monday, june 11th, and we are live from the nation's capitol. this is the full court press on current tv on your local progressive talk radio station and on sirius xm.
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this first hour together this morning. great to see you. however you happen to be joining us, thanks for being part of the program here, the full court press, where we talk about the big stories of the day here in washington, d.c. our radio t.v. correspondent's dinner over the weekend and president obama saying the economy is not doing fine overall even though the private sector is doing better than the public sector. mitt romney says let's just dump down on the public sector and fire all cops, teachers and firefighters and still deadlock in syria with more and more pressure on the obama administration to do something about the violencesyria. we'll cover it all and take your calls. you let us know what it means to you at 866-55-press. so good to see you today. again, hope you had a great weekend. i sure did. i will tell you all about it after we say hello to team press this morning, all here, all
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present, all accounted for. peter ogburn and dan henning. >> happy monday. >> hi, there. >> and cyprian bold, as well our good videographer. here we go. >> indeed. >> telling you. i am in love again. i want to tell you. i am in love. >> okay. how is carol taking the news? >> she was with me. >> wow. >> there you go. we are both in love with chicago. what a great, great city. man, and it looks better than ever. it's just a beautiful city with spectacular weather and we walked all over the up and down the lakefront and all through -- and all along the chicago river through millennium park out navy pier and then out to adarian, illinois. it was fun. so many people turned out saturday afternoon. carol went on the architectural boat ride which is a great feature and she said nobody will
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be there. saturday afternoon. it was 90 degrees. there were people out riding bikes and skating and walking and walking babies of the it was a beautiful day to be outside. >> that's what i thought but charlie gross and i, general manager at wcpt pulled up to the frugal muse and opened the door. just a sea of faces. what was fun was as soon as i walked in, they broke out into a "america the beautiful." > nice. they knew. they knew. right. what my favorite national anthem was. they were with the program. >> that's great. >> i think this is a new thing. we will star we will start a movement. >> yeah. >> right. >> what? any time you walk into a building? >> right. everywhere i go, every effortvent, start off with "america the beautiful". >> phones at wcp 3 and the stations did a great job. graduating grateful to them and all of the people that turned out. peter, there was even one guy that showed up in your honor
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wearing a spurs jersey. >> nice. >> you know. >> i am sure he wore it with pride even this other they losers. >> right. yeah. so but back to work here with a lot to talk about this morning and good help to do so. dennis van roekel is head of the national education association will be in studio as a guest with us as well as lynn sweet from chicago brought her back. and carl frishte will give us a report. we will find out what happened up there and how elizabeth warren did at the netroots nation. all of that and, yes, war on public employees but first: >> this is the full core press. >> well, bill at the tony
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awards last night, once was the big winner, the broadway won for best musical. best play went to cliburn park under a degree mcdonald won her fifth tony tieing a win record now held during porgy and bess that 5th tony ties a record held by angela lancebury and julie harris harris. >> cliburn park, i saw it. it is phenomenal, well deserves the best tony for the best play. i was disappointed tracy bennett didn't get the tony for "ran bow which i saw. she is phenomenal playing judy garland. >> in sports the is that correct cull playoffs -- the stanley cup playoffs at the staples center after the kings won the first three games of the
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series, fans were hoping for a sweep. they thought the kings had their first ever stanley cup in the bag but the devils are making a run for it. bryce salvedor was his fourth goal after not scoring a single goal during the 82 games of the regular season. >> is that right. >> he was saving it. >> picked the right time to get hot. >> annie get your gun a shotgun that once belonged to the western shooter sold at auction for over $143,000. the ap reports it is one of several items of hers that was auctioned off. she became famous for marksmanship in the buffalo bill wild west show in the late 1800s. she died in 1926. >> what are you going to do with that shotgun? >> yeah. >> am? she's got a gun. hey, yes, i am telling you we
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start off the week with the big news about republicans launching yet another war against yet another voting group in this country. it is just unbelievable. you know i don't know. i got a question about this out at the frugal muse in darian from one of the people in the audience there saying, can you explain to me what the iranians are up to? they sort of identify every voting block and then go to war against them? i cannot explain it. we have talked about it before. but first, of course, is a war on women. and they are very up front about it. you know, they voted against everything starting with the healthcare reform legislation which would particularly benefit women and then trying to overturn the obama administration's effort to make birth control available to all women in this country whether they are republican or democrat or liberal or conservative just saying you have got a healthcare policy that's covered without a co-pay. you don't have to use it. then they voted against the
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equal -- extending the violence against women act. then they voted against the equal pay for equal work. how can you be against paying men and women the same for the same job? the same amount of money for the same job? i don't get it. i don't get the way they vote against it. then then there was a war on students, of course. how can you be for, particularly in these given days how can you support letting the interest rate on student loans double from 3.4% to 6.8%? i don't know how you can be for that. but republicans say that's what they want. they are not going to keep the rate at 3.4%. again, a student came up to me saturday in illinois and said, i mean, that she is paying a thousand dollars a month alone on interest on her student loans. she had been telling me -- i didn't ask her what the total amount she owes is but she said she could have bought a house if
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she didn't have that student loan hanging over her. the republicans are declared war on lesbian and gay community the lgbt community in this country. they want to reverse don't ask. don't tell. they want to bring back don't ask/don't tell and keep the defense of marriage act in place. john boehner has put money into defend the defense of marriage act, where president obama has said he will no longer defend it and he wants it overturned. so you have got war against women, war against students, war against gays and lesbian s and now they have opted today have a war against public employees. you probably heard about this over the weekend. friday, while i was on a plane to chicken president obama held a little brief news conference, made a statement, took some questions in the briefing room at the whitehouse where he made a statement that mitt romney immediately jumped on. this is what the president said about the economy: >> we created 4.3 million jobs
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over the last 27 months. over 800,000 just this year along. the private sector is doing fine. that was -- that was immediately leaped on by mitt romney. later in the afternoon the president clarified, when reporters qaim into the oval office president obama clarified his remark: >> it is absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine. >> that's the reason i had the press conference. >> now, what was the president saying? i will tell you what he was saying. he was telling the truth for one thing. it is true. compared -- what he was saying is, compared to the public sector, the private sector is doing fine. 44.3 million new jobs in the private sector. 27 months straight of new job garote, positive job growth in the private sector. last month, there were only
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69,000 new jobs created but those were jobs created in the private sector. at the same time, the reason we haven't had more of a rebound in the economy is, jobs in the public sector are gettingla slashed, cut across the board, at the city level, county level and at the state level. for example, 250,000 teachers have lost their jobs this year nationswide. 9,000 in pennsylvania, 7,000 in pennsylvania, for example, 250,000 across the country and you take teachers and firefighters and cops and all public employees. >> that's where the economy is lagging, and that's what the president meant to say. relative to the private sector -- relative to the private sector, the public sector is doing better. mitt romney immediately jumped on it. listen to this. he is out in council bluffs iowa. here is what he says in response to president obama's comment. >> instead, he wants to add more
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to government. he wants another stimulus. i wants to hire more government workers. he says we need more firemen, more police officers, more teachers. did he not get the message of wisconsin? the american people did. it's time for us to cut back on government and help the american people. >> all right. so you hear what mitt romney is saying? he is saying it. nobody else is interesting. he is saying we need ures cops fewer fightrefighters and fewer teachers. he says that's the message much wisconsin. fire firefighters, fire cops and fire teachers. holy mackerel. first of all, didn't he ever need a teacher? i mean was he just born, you know with all of this knowledge that he got in school? he never benefited from a teacher? did he never have to call a cop for anything at all? did a cop never have to get him through an intersection, through a traffic jam? never, ever, ever? there was never may any member
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of his family who needed the help of a fire fight never his whole life? we ought to fire them all? this is part of this war that republicans have had for a long time. now, after wisconsin and new jersey and florida, it's become an all-out war on public employees. and i think it is dead wrong. 866-55-press. i would love your take on it. i think it's time we turn this afternoon and stood up for government employees. i mean, yeah, it's easy to say those bycrats. right in the but this idea that everybody works for the government is lays is fat, is overpaid, doesn't put in a full-time job or doing unimportant work, it is just not true. and of course the ones who we talk about are maybe the ones that are the most vital to our communities and those are our police officers. do a great job protecting us. our firefighters who do a great job protecting us. our teachers who do a great job teaching our kids. where would we be without them? we would be anarchy.
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we would be hopeless without them. right? but what about all of the rest of the public employees? what about the bus drivers? you know, what about the people who clean up the trash every day. what about the food inspectors for the federal government. what about the air traffic controllers? you go on and on down the list the. i mean, as a society, we are well-served and we need the support of public employees who don't earn a lot of money. yeah, lee saunders told us last week, the average public employee, average member of asme, salary is $45,000. we are not talking about the 1%. we are talking about america's middle class. we are talking about good, working families who are keeping this country running. their average pension, after 25 years or so on the job is $19,000? and mitt romney and scott walker and john boehner and mitch mcconnell want to declare war on them? i think it's time we stood up
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for our public employees appreciate the work that they are doing and show them our support. 866-55-press. 866-5577377. maybe all of the public employees -- maybe they ought to do what they do in france. right? just all go on strike for a couple of days and let's see how the traffic builds up how the trash builds up for one thing and the traffic builds up and, yeah see how -- see how well the airplanes are going to get from one part of the country to the other without any air traffic controllers. i mean this is ridiculous and mitt romney ought to know better. i stand with our public employees and cops and firefighters and their teachers? how about you? 866-55-press. ♪ >> this is the full court press. the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. [ male announcer ] cookies
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with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. current tv. >>you just have to conclude that the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it.
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gaeme inc. thank gaemezilinsky, thank you for joining ?ñ jennifer granholm is politically direct on current tv. >>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) granholm is live in the war room. >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. (vo) she's a political trailblazer. >>republicans of course didn't let facts get in the way of spin. >>do it, for america. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> this is the bill press show. >> 26 minutes after the hour. carl fritsche reporting okay netroots nation. we will continue to take your calls about what has the republicans latest wave. i wonder how this is going over. really, because, you know, the cops and the firefighters and the teachers, they are your neighbors. they are your friends. they are the people we depend upon. you know, the people that are running the dvm or the traffic checks or the roads. those crews that you have see,
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people fixing potholes or whatever they are public employees. how about on september 11th, the strategy in new york the tragedy here at the pentagon. who were the people on the scene, after the victims working in those buildings? who are the first ones who arrived on the scene and hundreds and hundreds gave their lives on the job mitt romney says hell, we don't need them. too much waste. >> that's what wisconsin is all about. dan is call from out in los angeles. dan, what do you think? >> good morning. >> absolute right. we need more pun employees. we are suffering. there is nothing wrong with public employees, police, fire, you made that argument well. my point is that people aren't politically educated right now. you hear ridiculous things like obama isan a communist. he is a conservative democrat. i vote green. he is like plus 20. but i think it's important to
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get the greens and libertarians in the debate. libertarians are traditionally on the republican side. greens are to the fair left of the democrats. but people that can't distinguish between what's going on any more because the two parties are caught in the sound byte thing so it has to be with television and me i can't. and i am not even blaming -- i have called and been upset before. i just think we need more voices in the debate so people can make a rational decision. nothing is going to change until the american people rise up and say this is what's really going on. >> dan, i would take it one point furpth beyond where you are going. i am somewhat of a libertarian myself, on a lot of issues. i think we need a third political party, maybe a fourth viable political party in this country. i would like to see that. i would like to see us get more choices. at the same time, i think we have got a pretty clear choice today between the democratic party and the republican party, and i think that's what libertarians and green people have to understand. and on this issue, public employees
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employees, there is a clear difference between obama and romney: >> this is the bill press show. [[vo]]acclaimed director adam shankman discusses his new movie, rock of ages. >>they would just throw a couch out of a hotel window and everybody was like, "yeah!" they were just children running amok in the world. >>tom cruise is not just singing, but he's dancing. >>yeah. >>would he have survived your audition? [[vo]]and dishes a little dirt on tom cruise. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want
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50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ what's in your...your... ♪
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a great tasting mint core, frosted in powerful cooling crystals.
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ice breakers frost. feel the frost. we are the trail-blazers, the truth seekers. >>every night we will drill down on the day's top stories in search of facts that inform. >>we are the rule breakers. >>be afraid, be very afraid. >>the investigators. >>our system is fundamentally broken. in a time that we're supposed to be worried to death about defecits, they're considering lowering corporate taxes. (vo) we are independent. >>a new scientific study shows conservatives hold science in contempt. that's a shocker. >>we are fearless. >> you who are pragmatic, you who are progressive, you who are impatient, uncle sam needs you. >>we push, we prod. >> my job is to keep it real. the good and the bad. (vo) and we don't do talking >>we will have a continuous conversation. >>the young turks with cenk uygur at 7. >>i can see both side of this issue. >>viewpoint with eliot spitzer at 8. >>transparency is good in
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government. the more we know the better. >>the war room with jennifer granholm at 9. >>i think that's smart politics. (vo) and there's only one place you'll find us: [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] on your radio and on current tv this is the bill press show. >> welcome. >> this is june 11th, the full court press coming to you live from our nation's capitol all the way across this great land of ours and brought to you by the united steel workers and their fabulous international president, the one and only leo girard. the united steel workers, north america's largest industrial union rep presenting over 1.2 million active and retired
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members. find out more about their good work at we are talking about mitt romney and republicans launching a war against public employees especially cops and firefighters and teachers. who needs them, says mit romney. >> that's what wisconsin is all about. fire them all. that, says mitt romney. we will get back to your calls. we talked to noland treadway about netroots nation about the great big gatherering in providence rhode island. i was out in chicago. couldn't bea up in providence dense so we september our fob, our friend of bill, carl fritsche up to represent us. he joins us on our news line this morning. good morning, karl. >> you know karl from full strategies. you see him filling in for tom harken harken. what was the mood up there among
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all of the lefties in providence? >> a determined mood. alternates of folks there are extremely involved online. >> yes. >> with the netroots and more committed than ever to, you know, reelecting the president and getting change in washington. they were not disillusioned with the results in wisconsin. they were, you know, doubling down. they realized that if they walk away, it's only going to get worse. >> you mentioned president obama. are they, you know, rallying behind president obama, ready to support obama the way they did in 2008? are they on board on that campaign? because i keep getting questions. i got questions in chicago whether liberals are going to be there, you know, when it comes to this campaign. >> yeah. make no mistakes the there are detractors, of course. but they know what the risk is with having a president mitt
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romney in the white house. >> i would hope so. >> somebody who wants to fire them all. right. you know, when you go to a conference, you really get to see a lot of these public sector employees at work because of security at conferences and walking around, you know, a downtown area. >> uh-huh. >> from, you know, cops and firefighters and you get to meet a lot of teachers and a lot of representatives from the aft and nea there. so yeah, they may not be completely pleased as punch with the president, with everybody that he has done but they are committed, and they know that if they walk away that it would be -- have dire consequences. >> i know thrilled after you of talk about wisconsin. you mentioned that, too. some people thought. they thought we are cooked. the super p.a.c.s are going to
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no matter how good an organizing campaign we have, the super p.a.c.s are going to come in and flat money in and, you know, we are done. what was -- what was the mood the official word, rather, that you found collective feeling in providence about wisconsin? >> i think a lot of people were talking about the need for campaign finance reform and for wall street reform. you know, you can't have one without the other in order so solve this problem because this is really about the tone that the supreme court has set for wall street as it relates to campaigns, say that corporations are people or, you know, corporations are people, my friend, as mitt romney likes to say, is directly what led to the notion that they should be able to to be involved at this level in campaigns. so you had a lot of people there, you know, public campaign was there.
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>> uh-huh. >> others talking about campaign finance reform and the need to get this big money out of politics. so i think seeing that issue re-emerge is something that's extremely important in tandem of every other issue was heartening. >> who were the big stars. >> dan jones closed things on saturday. eric schneiderman, the wall street fighting attorney general from new york was there as well. >> yeah, he is great. >> there were, you know, lots of different panel discussions on every subject under the, you know, under the rainbow, so to speak. but van jones brought the house down on saturday. schneiderman really brought a lot of heal heat as well. i think he will have a long future in the party. >> elizabeth warren? >> she was phenomenal. there was a great panel
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discussion during lunch on friday talking about the war on women with some of the senate candidates. a great speech. >> yeah. tammy baldwin from wisconsin, of course. >> from wisconsin. she is a woman. she would be the first woman senator from wisconsin. she would be the first openly lgbt in the country, and so yeah, there was a lot of focus on that issue as well. the policies that the republicans in congress have pursued and that mitt romney, you know, -- remember, all of these crazy things that people have seen the republicans in congress do from cutting planned parenthood and restricting a woman's right to choose on public health and everything else, if we lose the united states senate and mitt romney is elected, those things would be signed into law and worse.
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>> yeah. i mean it's interesting. people forget that. even george bush when he ran for president in 2000, he distanced himself from congress, particularly on the republican budget in congress. and he made the classic liberal statement at the time, you can't balance the budget on the backs of the poor. i am not quoting him exactly. >> mitt romney -- >> but mitt romney embraces everything these yahoos in congress want to do. >> it's interesting. i mean this is the risk with mitt romney. he has said. you know steep cuts would lead to another depression. that flies in the face of everything he has proposed. >> he said he would like to sign the paul ryan bill on day one of his presidency? right? >> makes you worry what day two three, and four would be about. >> yeah. hello. >> i don't think there would be much of a government left and there are some people like grover norquist who would like it but every economist that you can talk to that isn't, you
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know, co-opted by one side of the other will tell you that you cannot -- the least effective way would be to cut. if we want to see what happened to the english happen here all we have to do is cut, cut, cut, the austerity measures in england have led to another recession. that's not something we can afford to do here. >> netroots nation. it's a great gathering. karl. i am glad you were there. look forward to seeing you here in the studio. i don't know anybody who tweets more frequently than karl fritsche does, so you can follow him on twitter@carol -- karl with a kfritsche. >> check it out in and out. >> people can register. >> i am there. in san jose.
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thanks, karl. see you soon. >> you got it. >> there is alternates of buzz as car indicated up in providence rhode island. a lot of buzz where mitt romney says there it is, the message of wisconsin is: we don't need our cops or firefighters or teachers or any public employees for that matter. harriet calling from jacksonville, florida. hi, harriet. >> good morning, bi. >> what do you think? >> there two points for you. one, romney says that corporations are people, my friend. but cops, fire min and teachers evidently are not people. i guess they are robots, like he is. >> good point. yeah. >> the other point is he says he enjoys firing people who do service for him. cops, firemen and teachers do service for him because he calls them cops, throw the kids off of the beach. right? >> yeah. >> he enjoys firing people. >> he did say that. >> corporation people. >> he did say that.
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i like firing people. right? yeah. exactly. >> now we can see the people he wants to fire. i am glad you reminded me. he called to get the cops off of his beach mans which he is going to tear down in la hoja in havalock, north carolina. crits, welcome to the program. >> thanks, bill. thanks for taking my call. >> glad you are there. >> i am a volunteer fire fightfighter. where are you going to get the people to fill the volunteer fire ranks? volume you know tear firemen are slowly dying off you know. where are you going to get -- >> i think probably mitt romney's going to say let's just depend upon the volunteers and fire the professional firemen. by the way, i was a volunteer fireman. i am an honorary member of the delaware delaware, city of delaware fire department and proud of it.
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but you are right, volunteer fire fighters do great work. it's harder and harder. in you arebans areas you are not going to have volume you know tears fight the fires? right. >> right. another thing is we have to be just as trained as the paid guys. >> yeah. >> and if you call an ambulance more than likely a fire truck is going to come with that on a mel medical call. >> absolutely. >> like i said, the volunteer ranks are shrinking. >> look. it just doesn't make any sense at all. but again, you know, it's bad enough that mitt romney says he wants to fire police officers. what are we going to do without police officers? you know what it is? what he really means is we should not let them join unions because if they join unions then they can bargain for a better salary and bargain for better benefits. so this is anti-public employee, anti-unions, against all working
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families. republicans have declared war on you. >> this is the bill press show. [[vo]]and dishes a little dirt on tom cruise. [[vo]]acclaimed director adam shankman discusses his new movie, rock of ages. >>they would just throw a couch out of a hotel window and everybody was like, "yeah!" they were just children running amok in the world. >>tom cruise is not just singing, but he's dancing. >>yeah. >>would he have survived your audition? [[vo]]and dishes a little dirt on tom cruise.
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it's go time! >>every weeknight cenk uygur calls out the mainstream media. >>overwhelming majority of the county says: "tax the rich don't go to war."
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> radio meets television, the bill press show now on current tv. >> dennis roekel from the head of the national education association is the nation's largest teachers' union is going to be joining us in studio at the next hour, top of the next hour. we will talk more with him here on the full-court press about mitt romney's war on teachers. i will take more of your calls, too, at 866-55-press.
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in fact, let's start out here saying hello to steve up in philadelphia. what do you say, steve? good morning. >> what do you say? good morning. how are you, bill is this. >> good. thanks for your call. right. >> i would be interested in listening to this morning's ideas on what the republicans and the independent and the people have to complain about. this president done so much to stop the bleeding in this country from us going into a deeper and deeper recession. >> no doubt. >> he did a lot of stuff without the help of congress. stimulus bill. without that stimulus bill, you have got to keep on pouring money into the country in order for us to put detroit back to work. he put the private sector back to work, the. the wall street is going better than ever. what are the people's complaints? i don't understand. >> yeah, steve, look. i am with you.
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i think the record is clear on jobs. and the president is the first one to say, we are not -- we are not recovering fast enough. there are a lot of reasons for that. but you touched on one of the big reasons: i think we have to keep reminding people of is every single jobs bill that the president has put in front of congress a jobs bill to put teachers -- to keep cops and firefighters and teachers on the job, a jobs bill to get construction projects going and get constructions on the work. all killed by republicans then they create we are not creating jobs fast enough. one issue i want to talk briefly on and we will be talking about it all throughout the week is the big flap now over leaks. eric holder on friday appointing two special attorneys to look
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into who leaked the word to the "new york times" about two particular stories that generated a lot of buzz. one of the stories is patthat the president, in fact personally n terms of drone strikes and the target for these drone strikes in afghanistan and pakistan and yemen after suspected al-qaeda leaders, the paragraph 1 is the one who gives the final okay to those, to the targets of those drone strikes, the so-called kill list and the other story, that leak was on the front page of "the new york times" related to national security is that in trying to stop iran from building a nuclear weapon, we are using cyber terrorism in effect a program called stucksnet, which is a virus that gets inside of the iranian
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nuclear computers and fouls them up. the question now people are saying john mccain is accusing the white house of looking this information to the "new york times" to make the president look tough on national security as if -- as if after taking out osama bin laden and gadaffi and expanding the war in afghanistan, the president needs to prove that he is tough on national security over the weekend, david axelrod denied, as the white house has done, that they are coming from the white house. >> the authors have said that the white house was not the source of this information. i can't say that there weren't leaks. there were obviously leaks but they weren't from the white house. >> and the president also has said that the white house, itself, would not leak and did not leak this information to the "new york times." now, you know, again we will be
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talking more about this. i got to give you my quick take about this is, we are asking the wrong question. okay? this is like the pentagon papers. the issue with the pentagon papers was not who leaked the pentagon papers. we know, we found out it was daniel ellsberg. the issue is what the pentagon papers said the government was doing in vet no, ma'am. i think the same thing hear this ideas of trying to chase down who leaked this to the "new york times" is absurd. it's ridiculous. it's a waste of time. we will probably never find out. what we ought to be asking is: is it true? and if, in fact, there is a kill list, if in fact we are targeting these drones after individuals and al-qaeda leaders and having sockme success and the president is making those decisions, is that something we ought to be doing and the president ought to be doing? agree or disagree. if we are using computer technology and psychecyber warfare to take out and draw iran's nuclear
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program, is that something we ought to be involved in or not? and lights discuss that. but this idea of trying to find out who leaked it, this is ridiculous. it's a waste of time. ♪ >> this is the bill press show.
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what makes hershey's s'mores special? pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's.
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866-55-press. ♪ >> this is the full court press. the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> teaming your e-mails on any topic at any time. this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. >> yeah, the e-mails about
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the -- my comments on the national anthem are still rolling in. michael says, please keep talking, bill, every time. every time you open your -- every time you and your liberal accomplices open your mouths, more and more people realize just how ignorant, hateful and moronic you really are. george says, quite simply, bill needs to be fired at a time when americans are so divided already, theres no room for trash like him spitting in the face of this great country. i hope to meet him one day. if you hate me george, why do you want to meet me? let me tell you, george, i don't want to meet you. my comments about michelle malkin is like being stacked by an ant. he says, bill has more brains and more influence than you will ever have. yeah. i would like to know how much influence michelle malkin has.
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does anybody give a flying rat's ass about what she thinks about anything?
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] hello, everybody. it is monday june 11th. hope you had a great weekend. to tackle the great stories of the day here on current tv and the full court press thanks for being parts of the program. we will tell you what's going on and take your calls at 866-55-press. washington is just buzzing buzzing about leaks. who leaked the story to the "new york times" about the list for
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those who would be the target of drone attacks? who leaked the story to the "new york times" about iran's influentialing weapons. you know what? leaked? who cares? the question is: are we doing the right thing? not who leaked the information. hey, we will talk that and a whole lot -- tackle that and a whole lot more but we start out with the latest current tv news update from jacki schechner out in los angeles. good morning, jacki. >> good morning, bill. good morning, everyone. there is a live interactive town hall this morning at 10:30 a.m. eastern time to talk about healthcare reform hosted at the they will talk about how the affordable care act makes mammograms and colonoscopies free of chinch and prescription drugs more affordable. kathleen sebelius and ses elia moonesses are amongst the
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participants. there is a twitterhas hash tag. you may think this is strange but we know from a pew research study more than half or adults over the age of 65 are online at this points. 34% say they use facebook and twitter on a regular basis. 18% say they use them every day. the washington post today reporting that united healthcare is planning to keep some parts of the affordable care act in place regardless of what the supreme court rules sometime this month. united officials plan to announce today that they still won't charge co pays for preventative services. they will let young adults stay on their parents' plan until age 26 and keep the appeals process in place. and will honor restrictions and pulling coverage when someone gets sick unless there is a fraud. these are low-risk. this doesn't say anything about
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whether or not they will cover people with pre-existing conditions or do anything about the issue of skyrocketing insurance premiums. we are back after the break. stay with us. we will see you there. ♪ current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it.
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>> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. theme item [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv. this is the bill press show. >> all right. the weekend is over. time to get back to work. what do you say? good monday morning, everybody. great to see you. this is the full court press. live across the nation from our nation's capitol brought to you on your local progressive talk radio station wherever you happen to be in this great land of ours. on current tv. hope you had a great weekend. we certainly did. good to be back with you because we have a lot to talk about
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including the latest from mitt romney, a war on public employees. you thought it ended in wisconsin. mitt romney wants to take it nationwide. we will tale take your calls at 866-55-press. nobody did better to talk about the war on public employees particularly the war on teachers sthans than dennis van roekel in studio with us. >> good to be here. >> you are on the job on fox news sunday yesterday morning and here now. you hit the big time. current tv? >> i am with bill press. that's the big time. >> good to see you. thank you for coming in and joining our team here peter ogburn and dan henning. >> hey. >> our rid videographer. >> we had can mention again, a great weekend.
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dennis, i was out in chicago in dareian, illinois, for a book signing, my new book, "the obama hate machine." huge crowdian, illinois, for a book signing, my new book, "the obama hate machine." huge crowd. independent bookstores are so important. they are the salt of the earthly. frugal muse, they do a great job. they packed in a huge crowd. >> that's great the. >> we were there three hours signing books and the crowd, when i walked in, we had a little flap last week about the national anthem because i dared suggest that we might sing god bless america or america the beautiful instead of the star spank he willed banner. was attacked by the right-wing for it. when i walked into the frugal muse saturday, as they spontaneously burst into america the beautiful. >> i love it t great.
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>> i want it at the top of every hour. >> yes, sir. >> you got it? >> we got it by the way, those gnats. can we brack a little bit. >> are you talking about michelle malkin again? >> she is a gnat. >> a different kind of gnat. >> she is a g-in. the nats, 3 in a row. struck him out in a change-up. the nationals have swept three games from the red sox at fenway park. >> i think this is the first time in national's franchise history have swept them at fenway park. >> i would believe that they are on fire two games up on the atlanta braves they are solid.
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on fire. >> all right. yeah. try to get out. the e-mail, a friend wants me to join them. dennis and the war on public employees, dillon buyers from politico yeah. media reporter who will be along. lynn sweet joining us next hour but first: >> this is the full court press. >> lebron james and the heat closed out with the celtics 101 to 88. they add variance to the nba fields for the second consecutive season and they play the oklahoma city thunder. the series begins tomorrow evening. lebron led with 31 points. dwyane wade chipped in with 23. it was close. miami was down by 7 at halftime. >> for thenot a good weekend for boston. it's going to be the heat versus the thunder.
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you like that? heat and the thunder. >> my favorite new t.v. show is going to be watching the thunder destroy the heat in five games. that's my prediction. >> you should know better than sports predictions? >> i said the heat would go to the finals. >> whitney houston's family is not happy with the late singer's own mother t saying they will write a tell-all book,ai accusing her, saying she wants to save her own reputation and look like the worldts greatest mom which they say she is far from. >> a family cashing in on a celebrity? how unusual. >> the jackson family? >> right. >> all eyes in the tech world are on apple as it kicks off the developers conference where the company is expected to announce new operating season and up graduates to ipads and ipods. what is not known if ceo will
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introduce a new computer or new iphone though that is rather unlikely according to huffington post. >> don't they leak that stuff? we would know? >> yeah. >> i don't want to have to buy a new ipad. i am having a hard time learning the one i have got. thank you, dennis van roekel, it looks like having declared war on women, war on students, war on members of the gay and les beian community republicans have decided to declare war on teachers? >> public employees. it's bigger than teachers. it's hard to understand. n candidate romney when he was criticizing president obama for wanting to hire more policemen, firemen and teachers and he said said, doesn't he get it? the people -- it's time to reduce government and invest in people. what better way to invest in people than educate the next
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generation? what better way to invest in every day middle class america and all citizens than providing protection with police and fire? it is just unconscionable that he believes that's an excess. he talks about building beth but when he talks about it, he is talking about for a small group of people not for an employee as a whole. when he was with bain, i did his job job: he did that. but i don't think he understands what it takes to build an economy for a whole country. >> let's put it in context. i mean first of all, the, i know what i was trying to say but he said it perhaps in partfully when he said the private sector is doing fine. right? >> right. >> i would argue relative to the public sector in term of job creation, the private sector is doing better.
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it's not doing well enough? right? >> yeah, 227 consecutive months of job increase in the private sector. >> in the private sector. >> in the public sector, we have lost about 450,000 jobs. i know that some people think about the adults but i think of them in terms of the students. >> when they lose 450,000 educators a year. >> talking about teachers. >> yes. >> 450,000 fewer teachers than? >> two years ago. >> who? >> when those adults leave, there is not one less stud the in those schools. somebody has to teach them, provide them lunch, provide them transportation transportation. it's not like an assembly line. we have the same number of students to educate. it's not fair of the students of america. in this comic crisis worldwide the united states is one of the only countries that cut funding for education. many increased or kept the same
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gauze they saw in this short-term -- however long it lasts, it's short time. we have to find a way to invest in the students of today. you can't ignore that. >> in response to the president saying, again, making the point that relative to the public sector, the private sector has been adding jobs at least not enough, but they have been adding jobs, mitt romney as you pointed out, jumps on it right away. i want our viewers and listeners to hear this. out in council bluff, iowa. he picks it up and of course he runs with the ball here. >> to the extent he wants to add more to government. he wants another stim lutz. he wants to hire more government workers. he says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers. did he not get the message of wisconsin? the american people did. it's time for us to cut back on government and help the american people. >> the message of wisconsin according to mitt romney is public employees, boom. off of the payroll? right? >> we ought to make a list of
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all of the things that public employees do. the crime labs for the police. people working healthcare obviously in education. i have been a math teachers for 23 years. but there are so many -- >> also, the kitchen staff, the custodial staff, the bus drivers. right? >> how do you have a school without them? you can't. >> mentions cops, fire fighters. what are we going to do as a community? right? without police protection, without fire protection. who are you going to call? right? >> yeah. >> governor dan yellows in indiana climbed on theiels in indiana climbed on the. i don't think he understands what we advocate for. as a teacher when i first started, i thought i could do enough. i could care enough, work hard enough to deliver for my students but isoon realized there all of the decisions were made outside of my classroom. public policy makers and the
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only way i could have a choicevoice was to be in my organization, my association or union much that was why i wanted to be part of that, because if i am in the classroom teaching, who is going to be at the state legislature saying that policy harms students? from the perspective of someone who is in the classroom with students, i want those policy makers to know the impact on students. fire fighters, they bargained for safety equipment and better ways to protect the public. >> september 11th, where one department, you know, the fire fighters and those from another jurisdiction, basic stuff. >> you come to the table and you solve problems. the idea that there is something wrong with that, i think is harmful to our society and harmful for our future for sure. >> you know, it also, to me there are too many people who use the word "by accurate."
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right? as a perjorative word. the impression is given that anybody who works for the government is layszy, getting too much money, getting too much out of a pension plan, totally wrong, totally unfair. what's the reality of a teacher, average salary for yourmez, average petition? >> i think the average pension, you might say is about $25,000. we think about this. the average teacher's salary is about 50,000. >> 2578 is not going to buy awe beach-front mansion in la hoja. >> the sad part to me -- >> would you say the salary? >> the average salae is about $50,000. >> that's not going to get you a second home in the hamptons. >> thirty years, you get about 60% of your salary for a pension. that's not an exorbitant amount at all and the thing is about
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pensions is many of the salaries are lower. yes, one of the staff i saw they compared private sector jobs with public sector jobs and said public sector lost more. if you take all private and public sector jobs, they don't take into account that for example over three million teachers, they require college educations. so of course their sal arteries are higher than minimum wage in the private sector. sot combination. we have always said that it's a combination, you don't get rich teaching, but you have a pension. i think everyone. they used to have them in the private sector. >> aren't what they really are saying -- i think you touched on it earlier is, it's a war against public sector unions? right? they would maybe tolerate cops or firefighters or teachers as long as they didn't belong to the union because by belonging to the union, you have a right to organize and to bargain for
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better benefits higher salary or working conditions? >> absolutely. gore walker was saying it's divide and conquer. they do that in several ways trying to drive a wedge between public and private sector and between citizens and public employees. they are trying to get rid of anyone who stands in their way. this race in wisconsin was very informative. number 1, we have a balance of power now. walker retaped a seat but at least the senate fluke and now they can stop the train of running over public employees. but it shows the devastating effect of it unlimited corporate funds, 7 to 1 against them. it became a ground game versus money. we had 50,000 volunteers, knocked on $1.4 million, made 1.5 million phone calls and they had a huge amount of money we are going to have to do better in the november election. we are doing to have to figure
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out a way to absolutely energize the american people who are going to say we are not going to allow a very small group of very wealthy people to control the process. >> mitt romney says here is the answer to our economic problems, just fire all of the cops, all of the teachers and all of the firefighters. it's a war on public employees. 866-55-press. i think it's time we stand up for our public employees and recognize how much we depend on them from bus deliveries to trash collectors to teachers, 866-55-press. join the conversation. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio, on t.v. the bill press show, new on current tv. ♪♪ ♪ that redefined tv journalism. >>we're going to places where
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few others are going. >>it doesn't get anymore real than this. >>occupy! "stephanie miller show."
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[ train whistle blows ] [ ball hitting paddle ] [ orbit girl ] don't let food hang around. yeah! [ orbit trumpet ] clean it up with orbit! [ orbit glint ] fabulous!
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for a good clean feeling. ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit! ♪ >>(narrator) gavin newsom, lieutenant governor of california, and former mayor of san francisco is on current tv. >>every night on cable news networks everyone's focusing on what's wrong. i want this show to move past that. i love creative people, and with all the vexing problems we have we need creative thinking. >>(narrator) with interviews with notables from silicon valley, hollywood, and beyond. >>at the end of the day this show's simple. it's about ideas. ideas are the best politics. ideas can bring us together. >>(narrator) the gavin newsom show. friday at 11 eastern/8 pacific. only on current tv. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. >> it's 26 minutes after the hour. we are going to talk leaks in the media with joan buyers from politico in the next segment. now we are visiting with dennis van roekel. follow their great work and show your support by going to what kind of support outside of mitt romney do you find around the country for teachers? are parents and communities behind teachers? what can people do to show their support? >> incredible support. i think one of the strategies for mitt romney and the like is to try and drive a wedge between the teachers and educators
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custodian secretaries, cafeteria workers and their union as if somehow were different. the union is the people. it's not something else. and i think so they are trying to drive a wedge. but the support we get from parents is very high and rightfully sew. we walked together. we are partners. a classroom teacher for 23 years, i used to techll me students, the better conversation i had with parents, the worst off you are. tell i tell them things they don't know and i they tell me things i don't know. what a great partnership to do what's right for the kid. >> if people want to show their support for not just teachers cops, firefighters, i mean i guess vote for obama over romney is one way. are there other ways? are there organizations and, you know... >> i think there are some real practical ways like writing a letter to the editor, giving the voice. every day citizens saying wait a
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minute. these services important to us. we are not trying to get extremely wealthy but sources like public libraries people who work there, all of the people who built public roads. those are services that as a nation, we want for all of our citizens, and i think that we as citizens need speak up to these people and say, wait a minute. these are not bad things. government is not bad. if there is a abuse or waste, yeah. >> bad but not government, and the idea that we paint this broad brush and say all public employees are fort worthed is absolutely -- when i grew up and decided to be a teacher, i was complemented because i chose to go the route of public service. i would hate to see a day that we destroy that image and that commitment and demean the commitment that people make. >> that's exactly what mitt romney is trying to do. we can't let him get away with t thank for your great leadership.
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>> thank you. >> this is the bill press show. better salary and bargain for better benefits. so this is anti-public employee anti-unions, against all working families. republicans have declared war on
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> this is the full-court press, the bill press show, live on your radio and on current tv. >> here we are 33 minutes after the hour. this is a big monday monday june 11th. great to see you today. today's show brought to you live, coast to coast by the utility workers union of america, good men and women of the utety utility workers delivering brighter services and future. for more information follow their good work at uw we are part of the media. that's why we love to talk about
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ourselves. we love to talk about the media. and do so now with the help of the media critic for politico. dillon buyers good to have you back. >> i got out of bed. >> that, in itself is a miracle. >> it's a miracle. >> not that we were worried. >> especially on a monday morning, this time on a monday morning, and you also showed up on time. >> i know. it's a rare occasion. only for you. >> peter? >> yes, mr. press. >> we are having an influence here? >> still on, i want to talk to you first of all, about let's talk about leaks. >> yeah. >> a big story here ny times runs an article about there is a kill list at the whitehouse also president is the one who decides who gets and then a sigh
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ber -- >> stucksnet, which is very bondish. >> i love it. that worms allegedly into iran's nuclear weapons program and kind of shuts it down. right? >> right. >> now now there is a flack about who leaked this to the "new york times." who did? >> well, who knows. right. but the -- everybody who could say anything about this which are the reporters, the editors at the paper and the white house, itself, is saying this didn't come through the white house. the reporters went to the white house at the end and if narrow down the congressional concern over this issue from senator
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john mccain and chambliss, it was the white house didn't have to confirm the things it confirmed it could have asked for more. the "new york times" reporter did leave things. and so that basically is where the concern comes from. and what the white house is really trying to say is this is not a coordinated effort to boost the president's stat temperature. >> to make sure our viewers and listeners understand john mccain and saxby chambliss have accused the leak to make the president look tough. as if taking care of osama bin lauden he has to prove he is tough on national security? >> in terms of optics, if there is one area where the police department shouldn't have to prove himself right now, it's
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probably national security. >> right. so my question is, so and now eric holter has launched a point -- appointed two attorneys. >> right. >> to look into who leaks the -- to investigate the source of the leaks. >> right. >> we have seen those efforts before. are they success? can then? i don't know if they are successful. they take a very long time. i think this issue kind of receipts from the national limelight and barring the work of a few inpremp preparid reporters, we forget about what's going on with all of this. i think it's a serious concern. i think it's especially a concern in an election year. i think it's somewhat political spotted the fact that he have bi-partisan support for an investigation in congress. i don't know. i don't know what happens. but let -- >> let's go back to the pentagon papers. all right? you weren't around. so the big issue, then, was
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let's find the leaker, daniel rails burg? >> right. >> string him up rather than what i meant. what are the pont gone papers saying about what a -- it seems to me the parallel here, the question should not be in judgment -- >> sure. >> who leaked to the "new york times" but should the president be the one who has the final checko-off? should we be using drones and cyber warfare against republican? >> a lit edge mat question. >> i spoke with the managing editor. he sessions this is an education of the way washington works. we were talking about where the sources came from? >> these are land mark developments in america national security security. let's talk about what's in the article? you have lived in washington long enough to know that especially -- >> it's absurd. the media gets all caught up in
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it. right? they are talking about the leaker and the leak and that's not -- to me, that's not the story. a good policy debate on whether the president should have a kill list. >> right. >> and whether we should be using drones. >> you set your expectations for washington so high. >> perhaps. >> i am afraid that's the case. there is the fact that john f. kennedy once famously said this vessel leaks from the top. >> right. >> which is basically saying you are saying in every administration, you can bet that -- i am not saying the top meaning hie, himself, the president, himself, but somebody in the pentagon or somebody in the white house has an interest in getting this story out. >> let's talk about what a white house leak is. the white house is when you talk about everybody in the administration and all of the people working with them in some way, shape, or form is a really vast body. >> shuj. >> so a white house leak could
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refer to, you know, anyone. >> right. anyone in any way connected. >> right. >> with the white house. 866-55-press. i think arguing about who leaked the documents or who leaked the stories is -- any effort in that is a waste of time. should the president it be. dylan radgan is leaving msnbc and he says he has talked a lot about abuses on wall street. he has talked about them long enough now, it's time to go and do something aboutthem. do you buy that story. >> i have no factual evidence to go against it, but i would say you always take a departure like
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that and a statement like that with a grain of salt. it's very hard to see why if you are a popular personality on one of the big three cable networks you leave to -- for the purposes of some higher calling. >> what does it mean he would do? peter, did you see that statement? what does it mean? he is going to run for office? >> very unclear. >> he is going to file a lawsuit? or, you know, i don't know. >> i had -- >> going to join "occupy," get a little protest sign and march up and down in fronts of the stock exchange? >>. >>. >> until i see dillon radgan with a mask and a cape, yeah, holding people accountable. >> he says he wants to tell the story. he wants to do more to tell the story. i mean the vagueness clearly tells you there is probably something more going on here. >> i think there is always something more going on having been fired several times i
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never -- from networks, i never pretended that i left on my own to go do something, you know, different. >> there is one interesting question now if you are somebody who watches the media and obsessed with this stuff which is who is going to take his place, martin brashear is opening his show to that slot. there is an open slot. i narrowed down t six under 40, in terms of where the new york is trying to appeal to a younger audience, which it does better than the other two big networks but also in terms of its own progressive ideology. >> are you on the list? >> i am on the list. i am number 7. >> all right. we will start a write-in campaign right now. now, you have also been writing about wisconsin. >> yes. >> the coverage of wisconsin. >> that was a bad night for cable news. >> not the brightest moment for
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cable news? >> for me, what it did was and i think for a lot of people because i was getting e-mails from people saying are you seeing what's going on which was part of the reason i wrote a reex to what happened. it late bear what's worst about all three networks. i think all of the three big networks do things very well. they did not have their finest hour in wisconsin. what you saw was you saw a victory party over at fox news . >> i am hum. >> you saw a losers mourning over at msnbc and cnn had the chance to be the non-partisan or bi-partisan voice, you turned right as results were coming in, and lo and behold there is a rerun of the queen's jubilee. >> no. >> it was terrible. really, piers morgan doing the voiceover. >> of course, piers morgan. why have a brit if you don't use him for the queen. wolfe blitzer called and they
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did their analyst but cnn, that's their bread and butter is having wolfe blitzer saying stand by, stand by, stand by. we will get you results shortly and they didn't do it. >> stand by, stand by. we will tell you whether or not the queen fell off of the horse. >> yeah. that's unreal, man. >> that's unreal. >> a bad night leaks, leaks. who leaked the story? who cares? the story is: should we have a kill list? and should we be doing cyber warfare against iran? i hope we are by the way. i hope to hell we are doing cyber warfare against iran's nuclear program. if that shuts it down, i am all for it. it's a hell of a lot better sending in marcheens or bombing them or whatever else john mccain will want date of birth, bomb, bomby bomb iran. we always save a seat for you at the ability to. only do forget that. take the seat by giving us a call at 866-55-press.
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>> this is the bill press show.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is the bill press show. mer death shiner is a friend of bill next hour. bill sweet will join us as well fresh from her softball practice this morning. we will see what she is wearing when she comes in this morning. that should be fun. back to our conversation with
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withwith dylan biers. a quick word, some wondering what can i do to make it easier to pay bills at the end of the month? check out our good friends at you have heard me talk about them before. they are america's leading workfromhome business. doing business in over 80 countries today. so these are people who know what they are doing. you can trust them. this is something you can do no matter your age, education our experience. you can literally earnmo money from your own computer at your kitchen table and do it 24/7. all you need is a little extra time and the training you will get from so check it out if you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck, worried about job security or retirement. you want to make extra money from home part-time or full-time, go to they are giving away a thousand bucks today for somebody just for checking them out. then that could be you. check them out at
4:47 am dylan, let's say hello to ruth calling from rocks borrow north carolina. >> yes, bill, i am all for what president obama does to keep the united states safe. >> uh-huh. >> no, i don't like the nextlike the leaks because i think so the leaks let's the other side know what he is doing and i think that makes the united states look bad. >> that's an interesting point. it's a point made by some people that it's okay to do this but we should not show our hand. >> right. >> i guess. right? >> that's right. that's right. >> that would be -- >> that would be where the obama administration -- the obama administration has launched more investigations into leak-related activities than every administration, twice as many as every previous administration put together. so the --ats his presses kongs conference last week, he said my administration has zero
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tolerance for leaks. part of the concern here is that if the white house was involved with these leaks in order to make president obama look better or stronger on narm security they were willing to forego those concerns. >> ruth, you make a good point. i want to point out again, go back to something i read about. i wasn't around either at the time of the bay of pigs. >> i was in the bay of pigs rooernlt swimming. >> get out of here. >> no joke. >> they let you back in? unsafe waters? >> no. it was beautiful. >> years ago. when they were other people in the bay of pigs and they weren't swimming, and the "new york times" did not report. they knew and they were asked by the administration not to report the bay of pigs ahead of time because it would let the enemy know what we were doing. after that was such a disaster john f. kennedy actually towed the editors of "the new york times" that he wishes they had
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presented the story because, had they printed the story maybe we would not have done such a dumb thing as try to invade and overthrow cast row. leaks work both ways. >> also, as a member of the press, i am always going to come down on the side of knowing more information. >> i have to ask you. last week, morning joe as morning to morning bill. talk about the "new york times." he went after the "new york times" and accused them. >> he went after the "new york times" and accused them of by as coverage against romney because of a story that ran on the front page of the. >> about a la hoja mansion? >> san diego. he thought it was a very negative piece. the problem is that -- and joe scarborough said later in an interview, he has three hours to feelt fill and sometimes he just says things that he based off of impressions he had that can't necessarily be backed up factually. people will always go after the
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"new york times" to see if they are giving bias. the "new york times" has consistently proven and reporters will say as soon as you accuse them, if you look at the database and the amount of reporting are reporting, your impressions aside, they are covering both sides. >> he -- >> pretty well. >> he accused them of never talking about how much money john kerri had which is bs. >> that's right. >> there was story after story after story about john kerri and teresa heinz and the money and homes they had. that kind of stuff. >> one month out from the election, was there a story in 2004 which ran down everything about him that made him, you know, out to be a very wealthy, disconnected president. >> the biggest excuse i thought was a total jon joke and joe says i have three hours every morning. i can't be held responsible for everything we say. i have three hours every morning, too. >> you do. >> i am held responsible for everything we say. >> we are all and all should be held responsible. >> absolutely. >> that's just playing fast and loose. all right. look, dylan, whether right or
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wrong, you are on our case. okay? ? >> i am on the case? >> that's good. that toos good. >> that's where you should be. dylan byers. follow him @dylanbyers. >> always a pleasure. >> radio meets television, the bill press show now on current tv. the twist you can't resist. see the movie in theaters july 3rd. with great taste... comes great entertainment. the amazing spider-man and twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. see the movie in theaters july 3rd.
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>>the dominoes are starting to fall. (vo) former two term governor, jennifer granholm, is politically direct on current tv >> what should women be doing? >> electing women to office. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio. on t.v., the bill press show, new on current tv. >> merideth sdmieder from roll
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call and lynn suite up in the next hourchneider from roll call and lynn suite up in the next hour. president obama, busy day today, he is starting out this morning doing interviews with eight different local television networks aren't the country. the networks covered are roanoke, virg, florida, greenville, south carolina, sue sioux city iowa, colorado springs, reno and fresno california. after that, he's going to have lunch with the vice president and this afternoon, meeting with treasury secretary geitner tim geithner and defense secretary, leon paneta. jay carney will be briefing today at 1:15. the local t.v. interviews coming soon to a legal t.v. station near you. president obama, you bet. another hour coming up. so hang around.
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>> this is the bill press show.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] hey hey. hello everybody. monday, june 12th. great to see you today. thankful for being part of the program here, the full court press on current tv. live from our nation's capitol on your studio right here on capitol hill. we will take your calls at 866-55-press. while you may be weren't looking, guess what. republicans have launched another war. they have already launched a war against women, against students
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and against gaze and lesbian s. now they have launched a war against public employees led by mitt romney who said over the weekend, we ought to just fire cops and firefighters and teachers. really? mit? we will get into that and a whole lot more. but first, we get the latest. today's latest headlines in the current news update from jackishek never out in los angeles. hi, jacki. good morning. >> good morning, good morning, everyone. it is a four-letter f word that's had the president in trouble since friday. you may remember he said this during his press conference. >> the private sector is doing fine. we are seeing weaknesses in our economy had to do with state and local government. >> it's that word "fine" that had him in some trouble t led him to have to clarify hours later. >> it is absolutely clear that the economy is not doing fine. >> that's the reason i had the press conference. >> that has not stopped the romney campaign from latching on and putting out a web video
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today hammering the president on the may jobs report and the uptick in unemployment. romney had his own missteps friday has bill has been discussing when he responded to the president's call for more firefighters teachers. and obama is claiming this. >> larger class sizes. >> all of the local services schools, fire, police, all of the basic services that we rely on are the poore from mitt romney's administration. >> this has been the most recent campaign attack on mitt romney. a new poll shows the attack a lot romney's time at bain capital may have been effective. purple strategies did a survey 47% of people they surveyed said they don'tbly private canquity firms are good for workers they say they are harmful to workers.
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38% believe they help the economy and they are skeptical of the way mitt romney's experience at bain may help the economy. back with more after the break. better salary and bargain for better benefits. so this is anti-public employee anti-unions, against all working families. republicans have declared war on you. >> this is the bill press show. i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa,
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> hello, everybody. great to see you today. it is monday june 11th, and we have another war. we have had the war on women, the war on students and the war on gaze and lesbian s now on cops and firefighters. just ask plum. mitt romney. coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and, of course, on current tv your new morning show on current
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tv and happy here with you. glad you are there with us as we say good morning to a good friend of the program back from -- she covers congress for roll call and she is here again, a friend of bill this morning mer death schneider. >> i feel lucky to be a friend now. we are progressing in our relationship. thank you very much for coming color coordinated. >> last time i came in, you weren't here but icoach hosted but we wore the matching navy shirts. what will i pull out and it will not match anyone and you are wearing it. >> she e-mailed us last night asking us what we were wearing today. >> i didn't come in wearing shorts she e-mailed me. >> there you go.
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peter ogburn and dan henning are jealous this morning. >> very yellous. >> cyprian boulding. >> a nat shirt celebrating the sweeps over the boston red sox. >> people are starting. fabulous. this is washington sports. so waiting for the crash. >> shut up. >> i am hope. i think it's great. i am waiting for the crash. >> as a non-native. i am not a native washingtononian. >> no one is born here. >> i have two friends who are from here and big in washington sports. i am pulling for them. >> i am, too.
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>> absolutely pulling for them. >> scomplfr. >> i bought my world certainies tickets. >> over now. >> it was not the gnats but there was a big night for the mariners who pulled off a sensational no-hitter. here is the final call. >> swinging a ground ball. at 2nd. he has it. 1st. it's over. the marchiners have a no-hitter. six pitchers combined to throw a no-hitter. >> there are famous calls this guy does. he gets over amped about lots and lots of things. >> a no-hitter across six different pitchers. >> i am less impressed. i think we have diluted the sense of a no hitter. a perfect game, about but a
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combined no hitter. >> a team everffort. >> a no-hitter is a guy who comes out and ends the game even though he probably threw one too many pitches. >> why did you do this at the moment? >> no history, that was a big exciting thing, a combined no hitter, i don't know. >> it counts you can look at it this way. we gave you six chances >> and you couldn't hit any one of the six. if i were a mariners friend, i will gloat. >> we will gloat. >> we need something because they don't have the super sonics any more, the thunder and mba finals. i retract my statement. the good people of seattle a
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huge victory. >> merideth we will be talking about everything that's going on in the united states congress, with the white house with lynn sweet from the chicago sun times. i have to say thank you, thank you, thank you to our good friends out at wcpt out in chicago and all of the thousands of people that seemed to have turned out at the frugal muse on saturday. we had a great event out there. i walked in and they sang "america the beautyiful." they broke out in sun, dumping the star spangeled banner and our friends at going green limousines. they took me around chicago, carol and i and picked us up at the airport. all hybrids and they are the only 5-star rated limo service in chicago. >> nice. riding around in style. >> here we go. dan, what do you got?
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>> this is if you recall court press. >> once was the big winner at the tony awards last night taking best musical among eight total awards. neil patrick harris hosted the program. at one point making fun of spider man, came into the stage on the air by cable and then got stuck in midair as a joke. cordon won lead actor in a play for one man, two governors and nina ariando won best actress. >> pardon me. >> he thought you were going to announce more tony awards tracy bennett should have won for rainbow. >> i haven't been to new york realtime. i feel so uncultured. >> i will have another scratched from the bellmont stakes had the
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opportunity to win the horse racing triple crown, that 34-year-old drought will continue. union rags won in the final stride by a neck. >> i'll have another. we were talking friday about was this going to be the triple crown? then scratch. >> like what's going to happen to the gnats. >> tommy chong has been diagnosed with prostate cancer but he plans to use marijuana. >> as if he needed another request. >> he said he knows his diagnosis has nothing to do with yannibis, rather it will be the cure. >> a top story about how -- we talked about this last week. state after state after state relaxing the laws on marijuana
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possession. mer death, congress is on the war path and we talked to dylan byers about leaks. you have democrats and republicans lining up saying this is terrible. we can't have leaks. and we have to investigate and make this a federal crime. a little excessive crime. >> it's already a federal crime to divulge classified information, which is why you are seeing eric holder nominated to prosecutor. replubicans are calling for a special prosecutor because they believe that it's possible. >> they need another ken star running around? >> i think it's complicated because they are coming out of a meeting with the director of national intelligence last thursday, mike rogers said his committee had put in requests with the fbi and the national security division and both of those agencies said they could not respond to those requests
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because there was a possibility that they were implicated in these cases. so you have three major stories that are in question right now. a story about cyber attacks in iran. it had been suspected we had a role or israel had a role but administration officials taking credit in "the new york times," a story about a so-called tear i felt list, a list of people that the president is constantly reviewing in terms of trying to take out those people and protect our national security off the he knewbly and another on a drone attack and programs. you had at of lawmakers caught flat-footed by these issues and stories who thought they should have a role in monitoring these things and perhaps even weighing in. they really didn't have any indication you have converged democrats and republicans. the republicans would like to
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say the white house are ustion these issues to polit size national security prepaid prove the bona fides. >> i like leaks. i am a member of the public. i want to know what's going on. i like leaks. i am a reporter. impart of the white house press core. i want to know what's going on. the more information i have the better better. you have to sort of accept this. this flap over leaks is ridiculous. >> the president was very deliberate in his availability friday to say that the administration officials, to his knowledge, didn't purposefully leak this information to try to combat the charges, that this was something that we have done in an election year. i think the line is very very fine. there are assets across the world putting their lives at
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risk to undertake these covert operations and so you have -- you have people having debate about, well, how much can you know without jeopardizing those people? >> all right. let's look at the substance. okay? the substance. right? the first one, there is -- we are using drones to attack al-qaeda suspects. right? al-qaeda leaders? and the president core to the article. >> the president is the commander in chief. >> what's wrong with that? ask that tell the enemy? i think the people getting hit by the drones are pretty sure they know what's going on. >> or if they don't, there is a reason though don't know what happened. perhaps most interesting case is the cyber attack in iran because this is something that was sort
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of just well demon. i think by taking credit for it it gives them justification to say it's retalt tory because they have something in print that says we had gone on the attack. >> what's the alternative? bombing rather thaniran, starting world war 3? >> i would argue that if we can undo it by a psycher attack more power to us. >> i don't think the issue is what has been right or wrong in national security policy. i think it's a larger debate. when we talk about these changes and how we engage militarily. right? when the war in afghanistan ends, barring some sort of disaster, i think most of the ways we will engage in the future will be using some sort of cyber attack or using covert
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operations or intelligence. and so, as the way that we engage evolves i think that there are legitmat questions to be raised about how we deal with that information. who gets to classify information? what is classified information? how is it classified? now, if there is classified information and an administration official tells a reporter, it's unclassified. >> that's going to be the central debate as we move forward. >> okay. >> so john mccain says the president leaked be -- the white house leaked this to make president obama look like he is tough on national security. after taking out osama bin laden and taking out gadaffi, does the president really need, you know, to leak something else to make it look like he is tough on national security? i mean, to me, that whole argument falls short. >> sure, he does. every added case he has is probably a piece that's added to his portfolio.
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i think particularly as he ended the war in iran which was a campaign promise, as he is winding down troops in afghanistan, the surge troops that we have cents to afghanistan, do you remember when they are scheduled to come home? the end of september basically a month before the election. so even if national security issues aren't at the forefront of our conversation right now, they might be come election day. it's part of a larger portfolio. the other thing to be careful being is there is a distinction between white house officials and administration officials. when the "new york times" talks to three dozen officials that they could be coming from the department of justice, state, defense, and not necessarily -- >> the "new york times" said none of this came from the white house which we can believe or not. >> then they talked to david axelrod on the record. >> i think the thing is that john mccain who ran against bar barack obama saying he was not prepared to be commander in chief is still a sore lose her and it's sour grapes and he can't accept the fact that obama
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has been a better and a tougher commander in chief not to mention president, than john mccain would ever have been. he has to keep this may i think that barak obama is not as good as mccain would have been on national security which i don't think is true. >> that's a whole thing behind this leaks thing. it's a very importantdee bate that's preokayed pied this town. merideth shieder is right in the middle of it, covering the congress for roll call. follow her online at and on twitter @mer deathshiner. >> we will be right back. >> this is the bill press show. we're the idea nobody wants to hear. until the truth reveals itself.
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and there's only one place you'll find us. the airplanes are going to get we're the idea nobody wants to hear. until the truth reveals itself. the airplanes are going to get from one part of the country to the other without any air traffic controllers. i mean this is ridiculous and mitt romney ought to know better. i stand with our public employees and cops and firefighters and their teachers? the new slogan should be "we own wall street." that's my view.
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gaeme inc. thank gaemezilinsky, thank you for joining >>we have such a big show today it may, uh, actually explode. >>(narrator) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>we're hogging all the sexy on our side. hello! [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> this is the bill press show live on your radio and current tv. >> she covers congress for roll call, mer death shiner in studio with us here as a thenned of friend of bill. lynn sweet joining us shortly. merideth, this is an election year. everybody is running for re-election in the house and 30 something members of the senate. is anything going to get done this year? particularly when it comes to the debt and the deficit? and the extension of the bush tax cuts not to pensionmention the debt ceiling. let's take one good example. the thisransportation bill. right. >> yes. >> ever any agreement on the transportation bill? >> okay. i will start with the transportation question first and then we can go back to the larger deficit question. i don't know.
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so basically when you saw -- >> yes or no? yes or no? >> my gut right now says no. but there is an outside shot that you could -- that this might end up being a yes. so how this happened was that the house passed their version of the bill. well, that's actually an overstatement. the senate pass add two-year bill. the house didn't bring their long-term bill because they didn't have enough votes but they passed some sort of short-term extension which qualified them to go to conference committee to craig on or about 80 a package for both chambers. the conference committee is interesting. you see a lot of committee chairmen but on the house side 20% of the con fehrs of house republican freshmen. i thought this was a calculated gamble on john boehner's part. it was going to go one of two weighs, implode the conference committee or give him the credibility he needed to move it
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through his conference if he had enough of them peel away to support the package. it was taking a risk up front to hopefully get a protect at the end. and right now, i don't know that's going to happen. the senate package had bi-partisan approval the ranking member on the senate epw committee who worked with barbara boxer on this is james en hov who is a climate-change sglooefr who thinks this bill is gooddisbeliever who thinks this bill is good. he is on board with this. it's a two-year extension. and these projects will go unfunded, all of these projects across this country unless they approve something. at the end of the day, if they can't get this done in conference -- and i think enhoff played an interest role in this because he tried to connect the two parties they are then they are going to have to find a way to do it. >> if the senate gets boxer and enhoff together think we should be able to get something through
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the house. >> this is the bill press show. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] better salary and bargain for better benefits. so this is anti-public employee anti-unions, against all working families. republicans have declared war on you. >> this is the bill press show.
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her unique mix of comedy and politics to current tv. >> it's like a reality show, they're just turning cameras on and we just do our thing. >>politically direct to me means no b.s., the real thing, cutting through the clutter. i'm energized to start my show everyday because it's fun, because i care about what's going on in this country, rather than some sort of tired banter it is actual water cooler talk it's the way people really talk about these issues. we've always considered ourselves a comedy show. let me just say i am not ready for my close up. i think it's important to laugh. i think it will be exciting, because you can't script three hours of radio. what is going on? i can't tell you how many times right wingers call the show and say, "i don't agree with anything you say, but your show is funny as hell." the only thing that can save
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america now, current tv. can i say that? gentleman ♪ >> on your radio and on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> it's 33 minutes after the hour. welcome to baseball practice here, softball practice at the full-court press this morning, and stepping into the line-up, lynn sweet from the chicago sun times in uniform, hot from softball practice this morning. right, lynn? >> i am with my teammate, mer death shiner here and we are the bad news babes, female members of congress. >> is that your name? >> june 20th. bad news babes. >> i wanted to go for the before
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team, the before cleveland indians and major leagues. it's a great group of women. we have been practicing. i took a little ball on my wrist today but you have to play injured, bill. >> you are on. >> they called me off for skipping practice this morning. i thought i was going to the show. they take to the internet to criticize. >> i showed up for practice. >> i know. you could have and then come here after practice? right? >> practice is at 7:00 a.m. and goes until 8:00 or 815 and i was supposed to be here at 7:45. >> when is the big game. >> june 20th in the washington area. >> come out. it's a big night. >> you are up against the women of congress, debby washserman schultz. >> she is intention. >> she called me out. i am not much of a trash talker.
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we had one where we shared a field. i tried something and she just said my trash talking wasn't even good. so they trash talked the trash talk. >> that's why they brought me in. i can't play, buck i can trash talk like nobody's business. >> this is a benefit. >> it's the young survival coalition for young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. so the tickets are $10. you can go to the website. i don't have it on me but i will sweet it out later. the congressional women's softball game. every year, it's members versus reporters. >> sonia sotomeyer last year. >> it's a big deal. the minority leader, nancy pelosi comes. >> a few blocks from here. >> all right. >> broke you in. >> what time? >> i think it's 7. >> 7, yeah. >> and everyone goes out afterwards.
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>> 7:00 p.m.? >> yeah. >> okay. because 7:00 a.m. >> no. no. no. i think it would be hard to raise money to get people to show up to a charity softball game. it's hard enough at practice. >> as you have illustrated this morning. >> thanks pete peter. >> we have issues to talk to you about, lynn, i see at the whitehouse. we cover the white house together. merideth shiner covers congress and lynn as well for the chicago sun times but i have to tell you, carol and i were in chicago this weekend. we had a big book signing out in darian, illinois at the frugal muse saturday afternoon, a big huge crowd, a lot of fun. chicago never looked more beautiful. it was just spectacular. >> that's a great city. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> for a certain section of the population, that will make itme unlikable. >> she -- >> the riverfront, the
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lakeshore, downtown, the planting in the middle of the street. it's just a phenomenal city. i love that city. >> people don't think of it. i know we have issues. but people don't realize that chicago is a lakefront city with beaches. >> yeah. >> you could kye acdown the chicago river, go just sit around on a sandy beach. you could go to a ball game. >> yeah. >> it's wonderful ethnic neighborhoods. everything is every day a.m. the new york/san francisco experience. this is the blues fest. >> i got caught in the blues fest. yes get to go to it but i was caught in the traffic you can get the best pizza in the world there. >> absolutely. >> it's controversial. >> what i love about chicago is unlike new york, you can appreciate the beauty of the buildings. it's the best architecture, i think, in the country. >> absolutely. >> and there is such public
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spaces that you can really see the buildings and enjoy them, whereas in new york, you are always in a canyon and unless you stand there and look straight up. >> the city is designed for views, the walker and it's the home of wcpt. >> who -- >> is big. >> huge, huge wonderful progressive talk station. that and three fm stations cover the entire area. i saw several times the chicago sun times building and every time i thought of you? >> thank you. >> i want you to know? >> thank you very much. >> let's -- >> let's get back to it. >> president obama, i wasn't there friday because i was on a plane to chicago but he told -- peter if we have that clip he told the press corp. were you there friday morning? we have created 4.3 million jobs other the last 27 months. over 800,000 just this year alone. the private sector is doing
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fine. >> and you have that up on your blog, lynn. did the president misspeak? >> he did. >> that's why he likes his tell prompter. it just avoids mistakes. it's a gaffe a few hours later. a lot of people probably know. he said the economy is doing fine. he might have been parsing because he said the economy is not doing fine when he corrected himself. he didn't say the private sector isn't doing fine. so the point is you should not have to talmudically pars what a president is saying in order to understand it. it was a it was a mistake. the obama people found something to jump on romney on, though i don't think all gaffes were equally. i call this one a stumble. when romney was slamming president obama for his private sector remark which is, as we might remember, kind of a parallel event to obama jumping on john mccain saying in '08,
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the fundamentals of the economy are sound. in friday, in reacting to it, you had romney talk about -- >> we have that one. right. >> i want to weigh in to play devil's advocate. are we going to listen to the clip? >> >>. >> we are going to. but before we do, i wanted to make one point which is, i agree obama stumbled. it was a rare stumble for him. he usually says just what he wants to say and thinks it out ahead of time but the point is, if you look at the private sector compared to the public sector, the private sector has done bet are. 27 months of positive job growth have been jobs in the private sector. in public sector and other public employees, they have been losing. >> that's where the job losses are, which is the point he was trying to make. right. >> i think it's important to
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listen to the devote in its whole context. obviously he wishes he would have phrased it different. i don't think he misspoke in the sense that i believe he believes what he was saying. if you look at hour oursphere has grown, public sector growth has stagnated in a large part because of the policies that have been en at. >> i think worse than stagnated. >> gone down. >> here is one of the mistakes he made. here is why you usually try to speak in ways that you cannot be criticized and to make a point. he shouldn't have done the comparison. so say what he wanted to say. i mean that's where he instead of just saying the private sector growth -- private sector is growing, we need to do abc to do it. instead, he said well compared to the government sector. >> but he didn't say. all right. let's hear -- now, so anyhow
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mitt romney does have an opening, i would admit. >> absolutely. >> obama has given him an opening. but mitt romney takes it and goes, boo boom. here he goes. >> instead, he wants to add more to government. he wants another stimulus. he wants to hire more government worksers, says we need more firemen, policemen, teachers. did he not get the message of wisconsin? the american people did. it's time for us to cut back on government and help the american people. >> so there you are. running for president. here is my platform. i am going to fire all cops teachers and firefighters. >> that's a little over what he said. here is what romney did. >> he is criticizing cops a, firefighters? >> of all of the ways to criticize, if you want to go after, quote blow the government, why would you quickpick out the three jobs where people usually have human faces. usually they would say attack nameless bycrats or find frivolous government expense, the $30 coffee cup or $50 muffin
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or something. i think it did show a mindset that he wanted to, in talking about the cutting the growth of government, a substantive discussion to have, instead of just saying it another way, he picked on the three people that not only have strong unions so that kind of, i think might have -- who knows what was in his head but people that actually might teach your kids, save your lifer or put out a fire in your house. join that sector. >> tone deaf? >> i'm sorry. when i was watching the president's speech and had to write on it on friday and i just thought obviously it was something the president shouldn't have said but the crux of what he was trying to sake was something that he believed in and something the democrats believed in and he misphrased it and romney responded the way he did and i think both quotes in line with how we deal with things now, we are totally -- were totally blown out of context. but people compared it to
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mccain, the fundamentals are just fine. you have to think about the context of that and the time at which john mccain said that and what was happening in our economy. >> i will take it back to romney because it seems to me again that whatever mistake obama might have made in his original comment that romney said was far, far worse from a public policy point of view and froms a political point of view. it sounds to me like he is declaring war on cops and firefighters and teachers. >> scott walker was able to do a similar thing in wisconsin. he protected his -- well. >> he was. when i was in wisconsin last year when the protests were happen, you had teachers who were not going to school that day and who were like there were posters on the school buses and there were definitely people coalescing, a shift in the narrative of how we address people who are your neighbors. i think that it's people are res est full of people they didn't know they were supposed to be
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resentful for. >> here it's different in the presidential context is that what romney did gives so many openings to the obama term. i mean that's the part in the campaign now. >> right. >> everything is parsed and you say two words wrong like doing fine and now that over shadows everything, you know, the whole purpose of that press conference was to talk about the economy what great job obama is doing and the romney -- each campaign was off message, created a distraction. now, i don't -- i can't say today if this is the game changer for either of them. but certainly, we started the week with both campaigns put okay videos monday morning jabbing and slabbing each other for the friday remarks saying they each think there is a lot of meat to be ground from those comments. the point is, independent swing voters. >> that's always what this is about. most union members, i am guessing probably weren't
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surprised that romney took an anti-union stand if that's what you want to take from that remark. the point is is if the obama campaign can pivot to say he wants to fire the people that teach you and protect you or curb their employment, they could be a message jus just as if you are struggling to find a job. >> right. >> romney you can take it. >> a new ad we will play for you when we come back here with lynn sweet, chicago sun times, methdermethr death shiner from row call and bill cress part full-court press. you are welcome to join our conversation at 866-55-press. we will be right back. >> this is the bill press show. street. >>the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it. >>(narrator) the former governor of new york, eliot spitzer is on current tv.
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>>somebody somewhere can listen, record, track, gather this data. >>arrangements were made. >>(narrator) independent unflinching. >>there is a wild west quality to it that permits them to do whatever they wish. >>(narrator) and above all politically direct. >>facts are stubborn things. you want to save money on car insurance? street. >>the leadership of high finance just doesn't get it. >>(narrator) the former governor of new york, eliot spitzer is on sir... excuse me, excuse me...
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can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! ♪ don't let food hang around. ♪ on rock & roll! ♪ [ orbit trumpet plays ] clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... eat. drink. chew orbit.
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we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. ♪
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>> we are talking about practice. we are talking about practice. we ain't talking about the game. we are talking about practice, man. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. >> we are talking politics here on the full court press on this monday morning here lynn sweet in studio, meth meredith. >> i can't believe you led in with iverson. not a game. we talking about practice. >> talking about practice. >> way to go. lynn fresh from softball practice this morning, so hey guys, thepac supporting president obama, i should say, is out with a new ad today.
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peter, we have a quick flip. this shows that one issue is for the obama administration or campaign. it's for the going to go away. >> romney and bain capital shut this place down. they shut down entire livelihoods. they promised us a healthcare package. they promised to maintain our retirement program. and those were the first two things that disappeared. this was a booming place and mitt romney and bain capital turned it into a junk yard just making money. >> we haven't third the end of bain capital. >> we won't. you could use bain. this doesn't address whether or not bain is a -- whether or not romney used bain to just enrich the investors. the point here is how they were corporate citizens and i think bain had tested this. this is a potent message. then you don't have to debate the larger issue of should a
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company like this exist? exactly how much should he make? did he enrich himself at the others? the point is, they bought a company and eroded benefits from those jobs. >> it doesn't matter what cory booker says about not fair to talk about bain capital. the obama campaign knows as lynn says. >> first with the sir gat issues and since when is every single member of one party a surrogate for the presidential nominee? corey booker, despite the fact that he is a great twitter presence is the mayor of newark, new jersey. he runs in burning homes and good at articulating messages but the larger point, to the larger point, i think that there is -- what mitt romney did at bain is within the bounds of what private equity is now. you have these companies that get together and overleverage at points where they shouldn't be. and there is a real effect of
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people who work for these companies companies, an that's something that's larger that may or may not get debated. right now, i think people are focusing on mitt romney's involvement in it because you can find these companies but there is a larger point and i don't know whether that conversation is happening. >> lynn, i think it is in the larger point is their impact on these communities. >> right. >> they have been jamming that point. actually, people have talked recently as if this is a new phase of the obama campaign n january n iowa, the democratic national committee rolled this out with workers who suffered at the hands of bain they said. this is an issue that won't go away. it goes to the heart of romney's job's argument because he talks about his tenure at bain a lot. now, some of this sounds old, but politics is the art of repetition because we listen to this every day, and we say well, haven't we been talking about this? but people tune in at different times. >> well, and also, just really
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quickly, he is between a rock and a hardplace because on the primary, he ran almost exclusively on primary and i don't know if he can make that pivot clearly but it became fair game for the obama campaign. that was his central focus. >>ez talks about bain. obama is going to talk about bain. you guys are gate. it's great having you here together. sorry we are out of time: lynn, any time you are at baseball practice and then you, too, you can go to practice and come in. >> lynn sweet meredith shiner. i will be back with a quick parting shot. >> this is the bill press show. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>>we have such a big show today it may, uh, actually explode. >>(narrator) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>we're hogging all the sexy on our side. hello! [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> the parting shot with bill press, this is the bill press show. >> on this monday, june 11th, my parting shot for today very quickly as we have been talking this morning, it's not enough that the republican party has declared war on women and students and gays and lesbian s. now, they have decided to declare war on public employees, led, of course, by mit romney who says, you know, that we don't need any more firefighters or police officers or
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